General Game Info
What is Top Drives?
Top Drives is about creating your ultimate car collection and using it to compete across a huge range of automotive challenges. We’re a bit ...
How do I play Top Drives on Facebook Cloud Gaming?
Facebook Cloud Gaming is one of the platforms on which it is possible to play Top Drives, much like Android or iOS.Facebook Cloud games are ...
How do I use the Car Wishlist?
The Car Wishlist feature allows players to keep a record of cars they would really love to own in Top Drives, after spotting them in an oppo...
How do the filters 'Uniques', 'Duplicates' and 'Not Owned' work?
These three filters serve to help you make decisions about what cars to keep from your holding pool, investigate cars in your garage you may...
How does the Gold cost of ‘Skip Fuse’ change over time?
When performing a major upgrade to one of a car’s components, you can choose to pay a Gold cost to skip the time duration that must elapse b...
How do I get more Gold and Cash?
Gold enables you to purchase Card Packs, Service cars, purchase Garage Slots. You can purchase more Gold from the in game shop, or win Gold ...
How do I get more cars?
You can earn new cars by winning matches in the CAMPAIGN, CHALLENGE, CHAMPIONSHIPS or EVENTS modes. You can also buy packs of cars in the NE...
What is RQ?
RQ is your Race Quota. To enter a set of races, you should be on or just under it to make sure you bring your best cars to the race! Earn mo...
How does the Garage, Slots and Holding Cards work?
In Top Drives you can only keep as many cars in your garage as you have Slots available (think of this like space in a real garage). However...
How to Upgrade and Upgrade Stages
Each upgrade type has 9 possible upgrades in 3 stages. In total you can have 24 Upgrades on your Car with a possible 27 available. To upgrad...
Can I change upgrades I’ve made on a car?
Altering the upgrades that have already been made on a car is not a feature that exists within Top Drives, nor is it our policy to do so at ...
How to Fuse Cars?
Once you have maxed a stage in your car upgrade, you have the option to take your upgrade up to Stage 2, and then Stage 3 by fusing 3 cars w...
What is servicing?
Every time a Car in Top Drives races it gets closer to needing to be serviced, each car has 10 Races before it needs to be fully serviced, h...
How do I speed up a race?
When in a Race you can skip the race entirely if you wish and go straight to the results screen, however you will miss all of the Challenges...
Where is the free stuff?
You only receive one Mystery Gift when you start the game. The You also receive some free packs when you reach specific RQ levels. Occasiona...
How do I unlock stars and what do they do?
Stars are won by beating your opponents. The more you score, the more stars you win! The thresholds do vary depending on the track. You can ...
How does the Test Bowl challenge work?
Both cars will get to top speed, however when one crosses the line the other is still speeding up meaning the win margin is getting smaller,...
What is Mid-Range Acceleration?
Mid - Range acceleration is, broadly speaking, 60-100Mph. Some cars may be faster at 60-100 than they are for 0-60Mph. We have a problem in ...
What are the prizes available from the prizeboard?
Each Prize Board is made up of Cash, Gold, XP and best of all Cars! When on a Prize Board you can see what Cars are left on the Board for yo...
What is a Street Racer?
Street Racers are cars tagged that way. Use the event filter at the top of the car select screen to filter all your Street Racer tagged cars...
Can I reset my game?
It's not possible to start the game from scratch once you've started, however if you've made some mistakes in the early game here's a few ti...
How do I prevent cars from showing in fuse screen (can I lock them)?
You can prevent cars from appearing in the fuse interface by selecting your car in the Garage, and hitting the lock button. It will now appe...
Whats the icon next to the weather when a match is about to start?
This icon indicates that challenge is a rolling start, meaning the cars will be crossing the start line at speed.
Can I buy, sell or share accounts?
Buying, Selling or Sharing Top Drives accounts is against our Terms of Service, you can read more about this here.We reserve the right to pe...
How do the watch to earn upgrades work?
Watch to earn upgrades appear after you collected from any prize board, or if you lost, after the Race lost screen.This surfaces every 3 rac...
How come my cars have changed RQ / Rarity?
To determine each car’s relative strength, all the cars have to be raced against each other and the outcomes recorded. When we introduce any...
What does the "Sleeper" tag mean?
A sleeper (US English) or Q-car (British English) is a car that has high performance and an unassuming exterior. Sleeper cars are so called ...
MPH/KPH conversion chart
Why can't I post in the Community section?
Some topics, such as News are read only, however you should be able to post in any other section.
What does DNF stand for?
DNF means Did Not Finish.
What are the service intervals and cost?
Servicing costs and times are below:*Service Time per race is for one race only. For a complete service of 10 races multiply by 10.TierNumbe...
What are Club Events?
What are Club Events?*Club Events is a new feature Top Drives is introducing which incorporates team play. *To access the Club Events featur...
Why is torque showing as "Not Applicable" on my car?
Much like MRA, some manufacturers didn't want torque to be a public stat, so we are not showing it in the game. Instead, we'll be showing &q...
I would like to report a player for cheating/hacking.
Any player accounts found to be using exploits, modifying game code, or otherwise attempting to gain an advantage over other players by mean...
How do I claim my free pack offers?
From time to time, we will make free packs available for a limited period. They are claimable from the game main menu, under Buy Cars.
Why is the game no longer available in Russia?
In response to the ongoing war in Ukraine, we’ve made the decision to temporarily withdraw access to our games in Russia and Belarus. This w...
How can I find my User ID?
Every Top Drives account is associated with a unique user ID - it can be helpful to keep a record of this just in case you ever lose access ...
I want to delete my account.
To delete your account, please follow these steps:- Select ‘Settings’ (cog icon) top left of the screen- Select ‘Account Management’- Select...
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