We are sad to announce that from 30th September 2022, server support for Hill Dash will be removed.  The online service we use to host the game is shutting down and unfortunately it was not viable to port the game across to a new service.

The impact of this is that some game features will cease to function.  The features affected are:
* Social Login (Facebook / Sign in with Apple) - will be removed
* Friends will no longer appear on Leaderboards
* Elite Leaderboards will be removed
* Ghosts will no longer be available to race against
* The ‘Friends code’ feature will be removed
* Cloud save - Your save will no longer be held in the cloud.  This means it will no longer be possible to restore your save should you uninstall/reinstall the game, or move to a new device.  Equally, sharing progress across two devices will no longer be possible.

Other game modes remain unaffected and it will still be possible to unlock all tracks and trucks, as well as claim Free Gifts.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that you will continue to enjoy the game.
